Seminar on Mali: Making sense of France-led military operations

On 11 January, the crisis in Mali took an unexpected turn with the launching of military operations against the armed groups controlling the northern regions. France has once again been propelled by circumstances in a sensitive field that generally arouses passionate debates in its relations with the continent.

Whereas ECOWAS and the UN were planning for a possible deployment in the 3rd quarter of 2013, the new dynamic, although widely supported across the world, nevertheless raise a number of questions: Was the intervention at this point in time inevitable? How long is it likely to last and how does this change the dynamics of the conflict? What are the strategies of different actors involved (Mali, ECOWAS. Algeria, AU, UN, EU)?

The seminar seeks to shed some light on the current situation and address some possible scenarios.


  • Dr. David Zounmenou, Senior Researcher (ISS)



  • Dr. Paul-Simon Handy, Division Head: Conflict Prevention and Risk Analysis Division (ISS)

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