In this edition: The case of the third national femicide study, protest events have a 'Twitter Signature' and recent prison protests and riots in South Africa.
In this edition: “Soldiers against gangsters?”, awaiting a fair trial and smoke signals for reform? the South African illicit cigarette trade,
In this edition: Prison protests in South Africa, keeping them out of prison and understanding crime using GIS and the context of COVID-19.
In this edition: Reversing the ‘syndrome of secrecy’, hate crime based on disability in South Africa and disciplinary practices and ‘school-to-prison’ pathways in South Africa.
In this edition: Reformulating dolus eventualis, deaths due to police action and custody deaths, poaching of marine living resources, among others.
In this edition: student crime at urban universities, women involved in crime, rethinking crime and punishment and ‘family-joining’ refugee rights.
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