One of the world’s poorest countries is poised to become a beacon of innovation in digitising public administration.
President Rajoelina, who first took power in a coup, is bashing aside opposition protesters in search of another term.
The prevalence of trafficking and financial crimes highlights the urgency of better controls and regional cooperation.
Madagascar goes to presidential elections in November with its slim prospects of change resting on a judoka.
Some Southern African states show that you can vote against Russian aggression and still remain non-aligned.
The harvesting of endangered rosewood to make furniture for China’s elite threatens the species with extinction.
Is Madagascar’s decision to cut airlinks with South Africa about gold or political baggage?
The region has inadequate adaptation funding and many communities are unable to withstand climate change effects.
Improving the country’s dire socio-economic situation requires political stability rather than another attempted coup.
The African Union and African states should recognise the achievements of organisations like the Indian Ocean Commission.
Exploiting public office to win elections is common but Madagascar and Cabo Verde are making polls more fair.
Should sitting presidents who seek re-election be required to step aside ahead of the polls?
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