Links between violent extremism and illicit activities in Benin

New ISS research shows how violent extremists in northern Benin obtain resources to fund their activities.

On 5 September 2023, the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and the Beninese Integrated Border Management Agency co-hosted a seminar to launch the French and English versions of the ISS report: Links between violent extremism and illicit activities in Benin.

The first session of the seminar brought together independent researchers and representatives of regional and international organisations, diplomats based in Benin, civil society and development organisations, among others. The second session was reserved for local government officials, representatives from the ministries of defence, interior, security, justice, territorial administration and the customs and mines sectors. 

Seminar participants, including high-ranking government officials, commended the report and the relevance of its recommendations for Benin’s efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism. They appreciated the tangible and empirically grounded evidence provided on the links between violent extremism and illicit activities in Benin. Officials noted that the recommendations, which were shared with them in real time, had informed ongoing state and non-state responses to terrorism in Benin.

The ISS report presents findings and policy recommendations on the links between violent extremism and illicit activities in Benin's four northern departments: Alibori, Atacora, Borgou and Donga. It focuses on how violent extremists tap into illicit activities to finance, expand and sustain their operations.

The report is part of a regional research project undertaken with the institutional support of Conseil de l’Entente. The Benin component of the project was implemented with the institutional partnership of the Beninese Integrated Border Management Agency.

Development partners
Research for the report on violent extremism in Benin was undertaken with the financial support of the governments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Denmark and the Hanns Seidel and Robert Bosch foundations. The ISS is also grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
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