ACPST course: Countering Human Trafficking

This course, offered in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), will contribute to efforts at countering human trafficking.

Application Deadline: October 27, 2012

Collaborating Partner: International Organization for Migration

The African Centre for Peace and Security Training (ACPST) is mandated to enhance the ability of practitioners to make and implement policies that improve human security in Africa primarily through short courses and workshops. The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) created the Centre in 2011 with support from the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. Established in 1991, the ISS is a leading applied policy research institute with staff from 16 African countries working in offices in South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia and Senegal.

Course Description: Human trafficking is an old scourge that accounted for the death and forced movement of millions during the trans-Atlantic and trans-Saharan slave trades. It is still alive and well today with people being trafficking both across international borders and within countries for exploitation in forced labour, prostitution and organ harvesting schemes, among other things. Unfortunately, while terrorism and drug trafficking receive a lot of attention, human trafficking mostly goes unnoticed and the few people struggling against it have a hard time capturing the attention and support of the wider population. This is partly because few people understand the problem. Even for those who appreciate the gravity of the issue, what constitutes human trafficking is not always clear. This limited comprehension of human trafficking means that countering it is even more of an uphill task.

This course, offered in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), will contribute to efforts at countering human trafficking by answering the following questions: What is human trafficking? What forms does it take? What are its causes? Who are likely to be traffickers and victims? What are the effects of human trafficking on human security? What are the specific ways in which human trafficking affects marginalised groups like women and the youth? What are the links between human trafficking and threats to human security like drug trafficking, electoral violence, climate change, poverty and the collapse of social security systems? What are the cutting-edge ways of countering human trafficking and dealing with its after-effects? What are the local, national and international instruments and networks for countering human trafficking and dealing with its after-effects? What specific contributions can marginalised groups like women and the youth make to the fight against human trafficking?

Goal: This course will help participants understand human trafficking and issues surrounding it. Emphasis will be placed on transmitting practical skills for countering human trafficking and dealing with its effects. The course will also enhance the ability of participants to form and join networks for knowledge exchange and concerted action against human trafficking. This networking component is particularly important given the transnational nature of human trafficking and its links to many other threats to human security that spill across borders.

Participants: State and non-state practitioners working on combatting human trafficking will be considered. People working on sectors that are impacted by human trafficking like drug trafficking, climate change, social security systems, resource exploitation and agriculture are all encouraged to apply.

Language of Instruction: English only. Participants are required to be highly proficient in English.

Participants’ Obligations: The receipt of a certificate is dependent on full attendance and active participation.

Costs and Funding: The ACPST can fund the participation of a few applicants including their travel, accommodation and tuition costs. Awards will be based on need and require a clear motivation in the cover letter. The ACPST will cover lunch for all applicants throughout the course.

How to Apply: Visit the ACPST website ( and apply online or send a short cover letter and CV with your contact information and that of two referees to Ato Kwamena Onoma at [email protected] by 27 October 2012. Admission is on a rolling basis so apply early as the course could fill up before the deadline.


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