Inter-communal structures can prevent women and children from being captured during cattle raids and forced into servitude.
Although sexual violence during armed conflicts is increasingly recognised, attacks on men and boys remain a blind spot.
This seminar explores whether reducing gender inequalities faster can boost the continent’s economic prospects.
The Paris Olympics were a reminder of how sports are the latest chapter in Eurocentric ideals that cruelly affect African women.
Without information on gender roles and relations, both gender inequality and sustainable development will remain a struggle.
Realistic reductions in gender inequality could produce a US$259 billion larger economy in 2043 than current path forecasts.
Combining parenting programmes with social grants works better against various types of violence than when used alone.
ISS research quantifies improvements in Africa’s economic outlook as a result of gender equality advances.
A new project, delivered during working hours, brings business and civil society together to make South Africa safer.
In the upsurge of laws and policies targeting homosexuality, the plight of victims is often forgotten.
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