South Africa needs to benefit more from its active, albeit highly unequal, trading partnership with China.
Given the US’ major contribution to aid, Trump’s cuts could push 5.7 million more Africans into extreme poverty next year.
One of the world’s poorest countries is poised to become a beacon of innovation in digitising public administration.
Digital propaganda and manipulated information by external actors erode public confidence in democracy on the continent.
A rapid increase in demand may leave Africa no choice but to make a substantial investment in nuclear energy.
Inclusive conservation in both stable and conflict regions should be considered in economic and development planning.
Increasing levels of extreme poverty in Africa were turbocharged by COVID-19, fuelling the fire of relative deprivation.
Bold international cooperation is essential to break Africa's debt cycle and unlock sustainable development.
Rather than seeking common African positions, prioritising Africa’s development and peace can provide a foundation for meaningful global influence.
Effective forecasting and strategic planning will allow Africa to navigate a future of rapid change and complex challenges.
This seminar explores the effect that pro-growth policies could have on the country’s future.
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