Eloi Omella

Summit of the Future: forging consensus on adapting UN mediation

The UN urgently needs to adapt to new geopolitical realities and demand renewed political engagement and consensus building.

This policy brief examines the crucial role of United Nations mediation in an era of geopolitical fragmentation and in the face of conflicts that are increasing in intensity. It underscores the pressing need for the international mediation architecture to adapt and calls for fresh efforts to realign with the core values of conflict prevention and resolution.


About the authors


Emmaculate Liaga, Researcher; Dawit Yohannes, Project Manager and Senior Researcher; Tsion Belay, Researcher and Meressa K Dessu, Senior Researcher and Training Coordinator, Institute for Security Studies.

Development partners
This policy brief is published as part of the Training for Peace (TfP) programme funded by the Government of Norway. The ISS is also grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
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