Conflict prevention: what's in it for the AU? The African Union must play a bigger role in preventing conflict and building sustainable peace. The African Union (AU) has developed several conflict prevention initiatives since its inception in 2002. Now, with the increased expectation for more effective responses to conflicts, the AU must reflect on its different roles and improve its ability to implement policy frameworks with the goal of preventing conflicts and sustaining peace. This brief assesses the role of the AU in conflict prevention initiatives and shares some potential entry points for increased effectiveness. About the author Gustavo de Carvalho, Senior Researcher in the Peace Operations and Peacebuilding Division at the Institute for Security Studies, has extensive experience in capacity development, policy support and research initiatives in the conflict prevention, peace operations and peacebuilding elds in Africa. Gustavo holds a bachelor degree in international relations from the University of Brasilia, and an MSc in African studies from the University of Oxford. Picture: ©Gustavo de Carvalho/ISS