A New Tragedy in the Eastern DRC
As the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) marked 52 years of independence on 30 June, conflict and insecurity still plagues the nation.
Nyambura Githaiga, Researcher, Conflict Prevention and Risk Analysis Division, ISS Nairobi Office
Last Friday, 30 June, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) celebrated
52 years of independence. Yet conflict and insecurity continue to plague the
nation. The tragedy of the DRC lies in the cumulative effect of historical
injustices, the distribution of national resources predating independence,
protracted conflicts rooted in greed and grievances, proliferation of conflict
actors in the vulnerable east and the devastating impact of all these issues on
the local population.
As the country commemorates this important date in its history, the
resurgence of insecurity in in the east of the country is a tragic case of déjà vu. Again, the media fingers the
usual suspects named in reports as the harbingers of today’s conflict in the Kivus.
Already this latest episode of conflict, which started in April 2012, has led
to the immense displacement of people internally and externally to neighbouring
Rwanda and Uganda. It has also caused new alliances among and operations by illegal
armed groups and has strained relations between the governments of the DRC and
The situation in the eastern DRC certainly does not bode well for
the future, especially because of the similarities it shares with past
conflicts. It is, as in the past, characterised
by impunity and indifference. The level of impunity among conflict and
insecurity actors makes them bold enough to repeatedly employ similar tactics
to threaten national and regional security and an element of indifference
exists among peace and security actors whose engagement is not cohesive or
comprehensive enough to effectively deal with the emerging situations.
The recent release of the interim report of the UN Group of Experts
on the DRC caused huge controversy over who is to blame for the current crisis
in the eastern DRC. Two earlier reports credited to Human Rights Watch (HRW)
and the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the Democratic
Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) variously implicated Rwanda in the mutiny by the
rebel M23 on the basis of fleeing M23 fighters who claimed to be citizens of
Rwanda, recruited and trained in Rwanda.
M23 is so named in reference to a 23 March 2009 agreement between the
DRC government and former Congrés
National pour la Défense du People (CNDP) rebels that saw their integration
into the Congolese Armed Forces (FARDC). M23 now claims its mutiny is in
protest against the government’s failure to meet its demands set out in the
agreement. It also importantly coincided with DRC President Joseph Kabila’s
move to arrest rebel leader Bosco Ntaganda. Ntaganda, an ex-CNDP leader, was
key to their integration into the FARDC. It earned him a top post in the FARDC
and alleged protection from an arrest warrant by the International Criminal
Court (ICC). In response to a number of army desertions, the DRC government
redeployed troops to the Kivus, suspended other key military operations in the east;
envisioned restructuring the army command and set about to arrest Ntaganda. This
led to more desertions by ex-CNDP members, which became the M23 mutiny.
The controversial UN report prompted the DRC government to protest
the alleged involvement of Rwanda, who categorically denied it, creating
renewed tension between the two states. This tension is also likely to have influenced
the caution displayed in the release of the interim report that was delayed to
allow the government of Rwanda time to respond to an addendum implicating
senior Rwandan officials in directly supporting M23 politically and
financially, and the Rwandan army of providing equipment and supplies to
At this stage the M23 is holding its ground in Virunga National Park
bordering Rwanda. Against this background, insecurity is increasing, with the reorganisation
of local illegal armed groups such as the Forces Populaires Congolais (FPC) and new alliances and operations of groups like Mayi Mayi
Cheka with M23 and the new opportunities this present for groups like Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda
(FDLR). The FARDC has also faced many challenges with its own military
integration, as evidenced in reports on activities of criminal elements within
the army, an alleged parallel structure of command for integrated ex-CNDP
members and unenviable conditions of service, calling into question its capacity
and morale to eliminate this emerging security threat.
Given the history of conflict between the DRC and Rwanda, with
counter-accusations at the time of the DRC harbouring anti-Rwanda insurgents
and in turn accusations against Rwanda of supporting anti-DRC insurgents,
suspicion is almost as dangerous as proven guilt. Yet, while there may not be
much love lost between the two countries, there is sufficient interdependence
to warrant a level of cooperation by virtue of factors such as proximity, trans-border
nationalities, historical ties and the current mobility of the population.
Also, focusing solely on possible Rwandan involvement in this
conflict creates a reductive narrative that ignores, among other factors,
historical issues of nationality and ethnicity, a weak state presence inducing
conflict susceptibility of certain regions through multiple insecurity actors,
socio-economic challenges and a vulnerable local population.
Clearly for some, conflict in the DRC is still a
viable means to an end while for others, the DRC conflict defines
intractability and defies all existing attempts towards sustainable peace. An
analysis of the conflict actors illustrates in various capacities a
demonstrable lack of political, economic and social will to end conflict in the
DRC. One may rightly ask, where is the critical mass, the community of
conscience, that could rally across borders and national interests to ensure
peace in the DRC?