Zero hunger in Africa by 2025: conditions for success
A new study sets out the requirements for meeting the AU’s goal within the next 10 years.
Date: 2016-09-13
Time: 10:00 to 13:00
Venue: Conference room
, ISS Pretoria
, Block C
, Brooklyn Court
, map
RSVP: Anu Klaassens
Phone: +27 12 346 9500
Email: [email protected]
Eliminating hunger in Africa by 2025 is a massive undertaking. A new report by the NEPAD Agency and the Frederick S Pardee Center for International Futures analyses the ‘conditions for success’ if Africa is to achieve the target set by African Union in Agenda 2063 and the 2014 Malabo Declaration on agriculture transformation.
The study puts the magnitude of the task into perspective and highlights the major levers in policy, investment, technology as well as human and institutional capacity needed to sustain access to food.
This seminar is hosted jointly with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordination Agency (NEPAD Agency) and the Pardee Center for International Futures. Copies of the report will be available at the seminar.
Chair: Dr Jakkie Cilliers, Head, African Futures and Innovation, ISS
- Jay Naidoo, GAIN
- Dr Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO, NEPAD Agency
- Dr Lindiwe Sibanda, FARNPAN
- Chris Nikoi, Regional Director, WFP
- Prof Tsakani Ngomane, Policy Research and Analysis, SA Presidency
- Steve Hedden, Research System Developer, Pardee Center