View on Africa: what happened at the 29th AU summit?

Security crises, predictable funding and reform were on the agenda.

The 29th African Union (AU) summit agenda was packed. Heads of state discussed how to tackle ongoing security threats in Somalia, Mali and South Sudan, as well as the need for predictable funding and AU reform. 

This View on Africa briefing is presented by Ndubuisi Christian Ani, ISS Researcher who was in Addis Ababa during the summit. He will discuss the outcomes and their impact for the AU and Africa.

About View on Africa

Every Wednesday from 11h00 - 12h00 CAT (09h00 - 10h00 GMT), ISS researchers from Dakar, Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Pretoria provide expert analysis of major events and trends in Africa. Introductory remarks are followed by an online Q&A with participants.

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Picture: UN Photo

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