View on Africa: improving African migration governance
Can Africa benefit from the Global Compact for Migration?
Outbound migration from Africa is widely depicted as overcrowded boats filled with desperate African migrants trying to reach Europe. The reality is that more than 80% of African migration is intra-continental.
Evidence-based narratives are vital in global discussions on migration given that many countries are deeply divided on the issue. The Global Compact for Migration (GCM), which will be adopted in December this year, is expected to provide the basis for global migration governance. But can the compact offer sufficient benefits in areas that truly matter for Africa?
This View on Africa is presented by Tsion Tadesse Abebe, ISS Senior Researcher on migration in Addis Ababa. She will discuss the significance of the GCM for Africa and the challenges the continent could face in implementing the compact.
About View on Africa
Every Wednesday from 11h00 - 12h00 CAT (09h00 - 10h00 GMT), ISS researchers from Dakar, Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Pretoria provide expert analysis of major events and trends in Africa. Introductory remarks are followed by an online Q&A with participants.
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Picture: IOM/Natalie Oren