The ANC policy conference: new direction or more distraction?

Improving SA’s economy should be the priority, but talks may focus on leadership struggles instead.

As South Africa struggles with recession, high unemployment and debilitating poverty, the 2017 African National Congress (ANC) policy conference offers an opportunity for the party to renew its policies and turn things around.

But documents meant to inform discussions do not present much that is new. And despite concerns about its impact on governance, the ANC seems unable to deal with corruption decisively. Instead the party is caught up in bitter leadership struggles ahead of its elective conference in December.

This seminar explores whether the ANC has run out of policy ideas or if it is still capable of internal renewal – allowing South Africa the opportunity to transform too.

Chair: Judith February, Senior Research Consultant, ISS


Ebrahim Fakir, Director of Programmes, Auwal Socio-Economic Research Institute

Moipone Malefane, Political editor, The Sowetan

Mondli Makhanya, Editor-in-Chief, City Press

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