Protecting human rights defenders: what can states parties do?

This side event will discuss how states parties can prevent intimidation of human rights defenders in ICC cases.

Human rights defenders must be allowed to work free from intimidation, and yet they experience threats every day. This is especially true for those working on international criminal justice, and the problem is getting worse.

Threats abound in Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda, among others. The Palestinian group Al-Haq recently reported multiple death threats against its general director and its legal representative based in The Hague. This is the first time that such threats have been directed at individuals working on ICC-related matters in The Hague.

This side event at the 15th ICC Assembly of States Parties will consider the implications for the court and what states parties should do to protect human rights defenders and prevent international justice from being undermined.

Chair: Allan Ngari, Researcher, Institute for Security Studies (ISS)


Bill Pace, Convenor, Coalition for the International Criminal Court

Shawan Jabarin, Director, Al Haq, Palestine

Gladwell Otieno, Executive Director, Africa Centre for Open Governance, Kenya

Attendance at this side event requires prior accreditation from the Secretariat of the ICC Assembly of States Parties: Phone: +31 70 799 6500, Email: 


This event is part of a series of side events at the 2016 ICC Assembly of States Parties, other events in the series:

Building or breaking international criminal justice in Africa?

ICC’s children policy: an essential response to child victims

Development partners
This event is made possible with support from the Open Society Foundation. The ISS is also grateful for support from the following members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the governments of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the USA.
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