ACPST course: Natural resource management
This course will focus on the best ways of managing natural resources including land and mineral wealth.
Date: 2013-10-21 to 2013-10-26
Time: 08:30 to 17:00
Venue: ISS Dakar
Course title: Natural Resource Management
Venue: Dakar
Date: 21-26 October, 2013
Language: French
Application deadline: 25 August, 2013
The African Centre for Peace and Security Training (ACPST) is mandated to enhance the ability of practitioners to make and implement policies that improve human security in Africa primarily through short courses and workshops. The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) created the Centre in 2011 with support from the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. Established in 1991, the ISS is an African organisation which seeks to enhance human security on the continent. It does independent and authoritative research, provides expert policy analysis and advice, and delivers practical training and technical assistance. The ISS has its head office in Pretoria and regional offices in Nairobi, Addis Ababa and Dakar.
Course description:
As one of the least industrialized continents, African societies are heavily dependent on natural resources both in terms of ensuring the livelihoods of the vast majority of their peoples and boosting state revenues and economic growth. Important as these resources are, their management has posed many problems for African states and societies. The benefits of natural resources are sometimes grossly unequally distributed, investors sometimes pocket disproportionate gains from natural resource deals to the detriment of local populations, and struggles over natural resources have been at the root of many violent conflicts on the continent.
This course will focus on the best ways of managing natural resources including land and mineral wealth. Local, national and international instruments and methods will be explored. The potential role of natural resources in improving human security and the dangers that their poor management poses to countries will be addressed. How natural resource wealth can be used to grow industrial and service sectors will be studied. Other issues that will be considered include mineral contracting, the green economy, the management of wildlife, how to ensure sustainability in natural resource management, and questions of equity, human rights and the rights of minorities in the management of natural resources. The ultimate goal will be to provide participants with skills for managing natural resources in ways that provide the maximum benefits to their citizens while ensuring sustainability and the equitable distribution of benefits.
The course will enhance participants’ understanding of issues surrounding the management of natural resources across the continent. Special emphasis will be placed on passing on specific cutting edge skills on local, national and international methods and instruments for managing natural resources to the benefit of local populations in equitable and sustainable ways. The ability of participants to network for knowledge sharing and advocacy on sound natural resource management will also be enhanced.
Participants: Practitioners working on natural resource management, the monitoring of natural resource management and activism for the better management of natural resources from both the state and non-state sectors are encouraged to apply.
Language of instruction: French. Participants should be highly proficient in French.
Participants’ obligations: The receipt of a certificate is dependent on full attendance and active participation.
Costs and funding: ACPST will fund the participation of some candidates including their travel, accommodation and tuition costs. Awards are based on need and require a clear motivation in the cover letter.
How to apply: Participants
Send a short cover letter and CV with your contact information and that of two referees to Golda Keng at [email protected] by August 25, 2013. Use the subject line “Participants: GRN” to ensure your application does not get lost.
How to apply: Resource persons
ACPST invites applications from practitioners, researchers and academics interested in acting as resource persons on specific aspects of the course. Resource persons are leading professionals working on human security issues in Africa that have a postgraduate degree and/or significant experience in their field.
Under the supervision of the course director, resource persons will prepare written presentations, recommend study materials, and make presentations on specific aspects of the course to the class.
ACPST will cover the air travel and accommodation of resource persons and offer a competitive flat fee covering teaching and preparation days.
Interested candidates should send a CV, including contact details and references as well as a cover letter to Golda Keng at [email protected] by 25 August, 2015. The subject line of the email and cover letter should indicate “RP” followed by the specific thematic area(s) for which the person would like to be considered as a resource person. Eg. “RP: Mineral contracting”. It should also detail succinctly why the person will be an excellent choice for the position.
The thematic areas for which resource persons are sought are:
- Advocacy for the better management of natural resources in Africa (introduction to advocacy)
- Natural resources and development perspectives in Africa
- Natural resource management and human security in Africa
- Legal rules, regulations and institutions for managing natural resources in Africa