Accountability and justice for serious international crimes in Africa: creating a practitioners' network

Establishing a network of legal practitioners will help address international crimes in Africa.

By invitation only

Cooperation and networking among legal experts is key to enhancing the investigation and prosecution of international crimes in Africa. Challenges facing mutual legal assistance, extradition, extraterritorial prosecutions and access to evidence can be addressed through sharing and identifying best practices. 

This conference, hosted by the ISS and REDRESS, aims to start the process of establishing a network of legal practitioners. Participants include experienced prosecutors, representatives from the African Union, regional and international practitioners networks (such as Interpol, Africa Prosecutors Association, the EU Genocide Network), as well as civil society.


  • Allan Ngari, Researcher, Transnational Threats and International Crime division, ISS
  • Beini Ye, Legal Adviser, REDRESS

Introductory remarks: 

  • Anton du Plessis, Managing Director, ISS
  • Carla Ferstman, Director, REDRESS


  • Allan Ngari, Researcher, Transnational Threats and International Crime division, ISS
  • Lilian Ogwora, Principal Prosecution Counsel, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kenya
  • Thomas Jatiko, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Uganda
  • Carla Ferstman, Director, REDRESS
  • Adv JJ du Toit, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, National Prosecuting Authority, SA
  • Angela Mudukuti, Lawyer, International Justice Programme, Southern African Litigation Centre
  • Jacqueline Moudeina, Victims Lawyer, Extraordinary African Chambers
  • Lydia Taima, East African Law Society
  • Sunkarie Ballah-Conteh, OTP, ICTR – MICT
  • Stefano Carvelli, Assistant Director, Fugitives Tracking Unit, Interpol
  • Karl Lesjak, Coordinator, War Crimes and Genocide Unit, Interpol
  • Stella Ndirangu, Programme Manager, ICJ – Kenya
  • Dr Generoso, Secretary General, APA
  • Matevz Pezdirc, EU Genocide Network Coordinator
Development partners
This event was made possible with funding from the governments of the Netherlands and Norway and TrustAfrica. The ISS is also grateful for support from the following members of the ISS Partnership Forum: governments of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the USA.
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