A game of trade-offs: achieving Namibia's Vision 2030

This seminar explains why Namibia must invest in the right sectors today to achieve its future development goals.

Namibia has set clear targets in both its National Development Plan (NDP4) and its long-term development strategy, Vision 2030 – but will current social and economic constraints hinder the country’s ability to achieve these goals?

Using the latest International Futures population forecast data, this seminar will assess Namibia’s NDP4 and Vision 2030 and identify factors that could inhibit development in the next 15 years. Three scenarios will then be presented to show Namibia’s potential futures depending on which sectors are prioritised.

The full results are published in an ISS paper that will be launched at the seminar. Copies will be made available for distribution.

Chair: Graham Hopwood, Executive Director, Institute for Public Policy Research

Welcome and introduction: Jakkie Cilliers, Executive Director, Institute for Security Studies

Presenter: Steve Hedden, Researcher, Institute for Security Studies

Respondent: Hon Tom Alweendo, Director-General, National Planning Commission and Minister of Economic Planning 

Development partners
The event is co-hosted by the Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia, the Institute for Public Policy Research and the ISS and made possible through funding from the Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia. The ISS is also grateful for support from the other members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the governments of Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Netherlands, Sweden and the USA.
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