The premature withdrawal of SADC troops reveals deep-seated political problems and military capacity limitations.
As M23 continues its destructive march, the EAC-SADC summit must consider lessons from failed peace efforts.
Stakeholders are exploring innovative ways to safeguard the region’s precious plants from the threat of extinction.
After nearly six decades of BDP rule, the triumphant UDC government has the tough task of restoring sound governance.
In this month’s election, Namibia’s SWAPO ruling party could go the way of the ANC, BDP or perhaps FRELIMO.
SADC should take action as electoral fraud, post-election violence and the murder of opposition figures undermine democracy.
Despite a growing military coalition, President Tshisekedi is failing to subdue the M23 rebels in his country’s east.
New research shows how better cooperation between governments could tighten the net around transnational organised criminal markets and actors.
Why is Southern Africa’s economic growth the worst of all Africa’s regions, while East Africa is number one?