The UNSC resolution 1540 comprehensive review highlights the active role played by the AU.
This directory provides an overview of assistance available to help implement disarmament and non-proliferation instruments.
If Africa is to promote global peace and security, this relationship should be better understood and reconsidered.
The Hague Code of Conduct regulates ballistic missiles. How will African states benefit from subscribing?
The AU PSC is ideally positioned to ensure that African states fulfil their responsibility in enforcing sanctions against the DPRK.
By taking a stronger stance on ballistic missile proliferation, Africa can gain political clout and minimise security risks.
Important progress is taking place in Africa to curb the threat of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
Africa is more vulnerable to poorly regulated trade in conventional weapons than any other continent. It is time for this to change.
Worldwide, 172 states have acceded to the Biological Weapons Convention. More must be done, however, to implement it in Africa.
As terrorist threats increase, it is time to raise the bar on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction