ISS Weekly Issue 82, 2013

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ISS Weekly
12 September 2013  
Feature: Will Swaziland become a Bhutan or a Nepal? Let the debate begin

Only individuals (not political parties) may contest Swaziland’s parliamentary elections later this month. Is it worth participating at all under these circumstances?

Is there enough wiggle room for democrats in Swaziland’s absolute monarchy to make it worthwhile for them to participate in the 20 September elections?


ISS Today  
Konianke and Guerze
At each other's throats: Konianke and Guerze clashes in Guinea's Forest Region

In response to inter-communal conflicts, the government should bolster independent and fair judicial processes, as well as local peacebuilding initiatives.

How to avoid bad appointments in South Africa's criminal justice system
A competitive and transparent process to fill key leadership posts in South Africa’s criminal justice institutions will avert future crises.
Kenya and the ICC: A tale of three mistakes and the cruellest gamble
Withdrawing from the Rome Statute is unlikely to shield Kenya’s leaders from prosecution, or deliver justice to the victims of the post-election violence.
Africa's silence on Syria is a missed opportunity to exert regional influence
Although 51 African states are signatories to the convention against chemical weapons, it seems only South Africa has publicly condemned the atrocities in Syria.
Against a Tide of Evil: Why genocides happen and what we can learn to prevent future atrocities
Mukesh Kapila highlighted the importance of individual accountability and collective responsibility in preventing genocides from recurring elsewhere.
PSC 50 Cover5
Peace and Security Council Report 50
This 50th edition of the PSC Report contains a country analysis on Mali, an Open Page article on power sharing arrangements in Africa and a Peace and Security Council Retrospective article on the protection of civilians in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic.
Read more in English... En savoir plus en français...
The imminent release
South Africa Insight episode 48: Gareth Newham discusses the upcoming South African Crime Statistics release and the key policing dynamics facing the South African Police Service at this time.
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Kenya ICC
Kenya: A vote of no confidence in the ICC?
This Week in Africa episode 59: Paul-Simon Handy discusses plans by Kenya to withdraw from the ICC, peace talks in the Great Lakes and the challenges ahead for Mali's new president. / La semaine en Afrique episode 59: Une discussion avec Paul-Simon Handy sur le possible retrait du Kenya de la Cour Pénale Internationale; la paix dans les Grands Lacs et les défis du nouveau.
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