SAPS Crime Stats Release September 2011

South Africa’s overall crime situation has clearly improved substantially compared to the past few years, especially in relation to interpersonal and property related violent crimes. This is good news sorely needed by a nation that has for a long time borne the brunt of an intolerable crime problem. The crime figures for 2010/11 are not able to tell us about current levels of crime, but they can tell us what happened between March 2010 and March 2011. They also allow us to follow the trends in overall levels of crime nationally and provincially over the past eight years, since 2003/4.

Many people don`t realise that the South African crime rate peaked in the 2002/03 financial year recording its highest level since 1994. Between 2002/03 and 2007/08, the total crime level decreased by about 25%. Over the following two years ending in 2009/2010, the total crime rate then increased by 4%. This trend was mostly driven by increases in property related crime such as commercial crime and burglary. However, total crime in 2010/11 resumed its downward trend when it decreased by 2.4% on the previous year dropping from 2 121 887 to 2 071 487 reported cases.

 For a full overview of the official crime related information in South Africa, download the fact sheet.

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