Annex: List of Participants 1. Participant Profile The workshop Disarming Children and Youth: Raising Awareness and Addressing the Impact of Small Arms was held for UNICEF offices in Africa from 8-12 September 2002 in Accra , Ghana . UNICEF and the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in South Africa organized the workshop. Each country office was asked to identify a partner organization to attend the meeting. The countries represented at the workshop are listed below. For participant details, see the annex. UNICEF Country Offices Ghana Guinea Kosovo Liberia Niger Nigeria Operation Lifeline - Sudan Somalia Tanzania Partners Côte d’Ivoire Ghana Guinea Liberia Mali Nigeria Sierra Leone South Africa Sudan International organizations UNICEF Headquarters UN Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Conflict The workshop used four resource people. Funmi Olonisakin from the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Conflict in New York . She has a strong understanding of the impact of war and conflict on children and the mechanisms that exist at the international and regional level that can be used to prevent the exploitation of children in conflict situations. In addition, she has in-depth knowledge of regional conflicts in West Africa and the opportunities for action. Angela McIntyre is the coordinator of the ISS children in armed conflict project, InterAct. She brought to the workshop her knowledge of child rights issues, the impact of war and conflict on children and the strategies that are being used within African countries to prioritize responses to children and youth. Conmany Wesseh is the Executive Director of the Centre for Democratic Empowerment, originally established in Liberia and now based in Côte d’Ivoire . He is a founding member of the International Action Network in Small Arms and the chairperson of the West African Action Network on Small Arms. In addition to his knowledge of small arms issues, he brought his experience of working with children and youth as well as knowledge of the political challenges of working on small arms issues. Sarah Meek is the head of the ISS Arms Management Programme in South Africa . She has many publications to her name and is well known internationally for her work on small arms controls. She brought to the workshop knowledge of the small arms issue, the development of networks, research methodology and facilitation.