Lessons from Liberia: Integrated approaches to peacebuilding in transitional settings

The paper begins with a review of key conceptual and historical issues + debates surrounding postconflict peacebuilding and particularly the UN’s ro

Through research on the ground in Liberia and engagement in peacebuilding discussions within the UN at headquarter level, the paper begins with a review of key conceptual and historical issues and debates surrounding postconflict peacebuilding and particularly the UN’s role. It explains in detail the process undertaken in Liberia, describing the interlocking activity areas that have formed the building blocks of an overall strategic approach aimed at strengthening peacebuilding. Subsequently, lessons emerging from the Liberia case are assessed and finally conclusions and recommendations are presented.

About the author

Erin McCandless is a peacebuilding and development consultant, part-time faculty, at the New School Graduate Programme of International Affairs, and executive editor of the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development. She worked with UNMIL from 2004 to 2007 as a civil affairs officer and then as peacebuilding and recovery advisor in the Office of the D/SRSG.





Development partners
This paper was published with the support of the Government of Denmark.
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