AIDS, orphans, crime, and instability: Exploring the linkages

Do children orphaned by AIDS represent a unique threat to security and stability or do they pose a predominantly humanitarian problem?

HIV/AIDS is leaving millions of children orphaned and living in situations of acute vulnerability. The idea that growing numbers of children orphaned by AIDS could pose a serious threat to individual and communal security in some African countries has gained substantial currency over the last five years. Consequently, few discussions on the effects of HIV/AIDS now fail to mention the seemingly common-sense connection between rising numbers of impoverished orphans and increasing levels of crime and conflict.

This connection is generally presented as a neat, linear relationship. Is this the case? Do children orphaned by AIDS represent a unique threat to security and stability or do they pose a predominantly humanitarian problem? Are there factors that may make a difference in determining the ultimate impact of the epidemic for both parentless young people and society? This paper explores these questions in the context of sub-Saharan Africa.

About the author

Robyn Pharoah is a senior researcher for the AIDS and Security Project at the Institute for Security Studies, with a background in applied health and HIV/AIDS-related research. Taya Weiss is a Johannesburg-based consultant who has written extensively on small arms, conflict, and related issues. Her most recent work focuses on Sierra Leone and the Mano River Basin.


Development partners
This research is funded by the Ford Foundation.
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