
The Great Blue Wall and youth inclusion in Africa’s blue economy

Best practices from the Great Blue Wall initiative could boost youth participation while addressing climate change and insecurity.

Africa's youth are core to the sustainable development of the continent’s coastal regions. How can their perspectives be integrated into regional plans, and what are the best practices from the Great Blue Wall initiative? 

This webinar will discuss these questions and how to enhance youth participation while addressing climate change and insecurity in Africa. Discussions will draw on an upcoming ISS report: ‘Charting Africa's blue future: youth inclusion as a catalyst for peace, security and development’.

This event is co-hosted by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Eastern and Southern Africa (IUCN ESARO) and the Institute for Security Studies.

Denys Reva, Researcher, ISS and Ghaamid Abdulbasat, Regional Ocean Communications Lead, IUCN

Opening statement: Thomas Sberna, Regional Head, Coastal and Ocean Resilience, IUCN, Eastern and Southern Africa 


  • David Willima, Research Officer, ISS
  • Barkha Mossaë, IUCN Regional Regenerative Blue Economy Manager, Eastern and Southern Africa


  • Stella Mbabazi, Blue Economy Expert, COMESA
  • Cynthia Chigwenya, Programme Coordinator, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and former African Youth Ambassador for Peace
  • Sam Hofmeijer, Coordinator, Youth4MPAS, South Africa
  • Dr Madeleine Nyiratuza, Regional Technical Advisor for Water, Oceans, Ecosystems and Biodiversity (Africa), UNDP

Closing remarks: Dhesigen Naidoo, Senior Research Associate, Climate Risk and Human Security, ISS

Development partners
The ISS is grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
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