Taking on Africa’s illicit drugs market
How should Africa respond to a booming heroin trade and the prospect of a surge in drug users?
Date: 2019-09-05
Time: 10:00 to 13:00
Venue: Radisson Hotel, Addis Ababa
RSVP: Online via ENACTAfrica.org or Naomi Tite, Phone: +27 12 346 9500, Email: [email protected]
Africa is experiencing the sharpest increase in heroin use worldwide. Illegal drug trafficking and drug use is expected to grow substantially and will require innovative responses.
This seminar launches the results of new research into trafficking and illicit drug use in Africa and its impact on development. The political economy of the heroin route down Africa’s East Coast will be presented, along with a forecast of illegal drug use in Africa to 2050. Africa’s policy response to the problem will also be discussed, including the need for increased intelligence analysis to enhance law enforcement.
Chair: Deo Gumba, Regional Coordinator for East and Horn of Africa, ENACT, ISS
Mark Shaw, Director, Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime
Martin Ewi, Regional Coordinator for Southern Africa, ENACT, ISS
Nathalie Richard-Bober, ENACT Project Coordinator, INTERPOL
ENACT is funded by the European Union (EU), and implemented by the ISS, INTERPOL and Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime. Speakers appear in their personal capacity and cannot be seen to represent or reflect the position of the EU.
Picture: Pixabay