Illegal Fishing in South Africa

The Institute for Security Studies commissioned a research report on illegal fishing in South Africa. The resulting report, authored by Shaheen Moola, has gained widespread media coverage, prompting Marine and Coastal Management to undertake a peer review of the findings.

This event provides an opportunity for the report to be presented and discussed by a wide range of local stakeholders, including the fishing industry, research organizations and NGOs. Participants will consider the scale of illegal fishing in South Africa and the current approach to combating it by the government and other stakeholders. Outcomes and discussion points from the meeting will be incorporated in an updated ISS report, to be published in July this year.

Opening Presentation:

Illegal fishing in South Africa, by Shaheen Moola, Fiekke Consulting


  • Tim Reddell, Chairperson of the South African Deep Sea Trawling Industry Association (SADSTIA)
  • Marcus Burgner, Traffic International

Open Discussion:

Chair, Andre Standing, ISS Cape Town

Development partners
The roundtable is funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Pretoria