High stakes: lessons for nuclear procurement from the arms deal
Can lessons from the controversial arms deal improve the process currently underway to procure nuclear energy?
Date: 2015-10-20
Time: 10:00 to 12:00
Venue: 6 Spin street
, Cape Town
RSVP: Helen Chanda
Phone: +27 12 346 9500
Email: [email protected]
Many questions are being raised about South Africa’s proposed nuclear energy deal, including about the costs involved and the transparency of the procurement process.
The 1999 arms deal raised similar concerns. This seminar will consider lessons learnt during and after the arms deal procurement process, and whether these will influence the nuclear deal.
The seminar will also discuss the important oversight role which citizens and relevant institutions play in a democracy and the crucial questions civil society must ask regarding the cost and viability of the nuclear deal.
Chair: Judith February, ISS Consultant
- Saliem Fakir, Head, Living Planet Unit, WWF
- Gary Pienaar, Senior Researcher, Democracy & Governance, Human Sciences Research Council