The rampant exploitation of yellowfin tuna threatens Somali livelihoods and could affect global food security.
Greater awareness about illegal hunting concessions that allow the smuggling of endangered species to Dubai could prevent their decline.
Inter-communal structures can prevent women and children from being captured during cattle raids and forced into servitude.
Despite an agreement between Kenya and Tanzania prohibiting borderland hunting, Tanzania has allowed the hunting of bull elephants to expand.
To curb money laundering, financial oversight of the real estate, legal, casino and transport sectors must be improved.
Impoverished young men are selling their kidneys in return for cash to start their own businesses.
The protocol provides the means to tackle cattle rustling and related crimes, but no countries have ratified it.
Despite Kenya’s export ban, members of the scrap metal industry are colluding to spur the illicit trade.
Educated job seekers fall prey to online scams, driving the trafficking of East Africans to Southeast Asia.
Nile perch swim bladders, used in Chinese cuisine and traditional medicine, are illegally extracted from breeding and juvenile fish.
The case exposes weaknesses in Kenya’s investigation and prosecution of illicit financial flows, especially in the real estate sector.
Government commitment and public support are crucial to combat this environmental crime.
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