Efforts to involve young people in conflict prevention must receive the proper financial and political backing.
The African Union explores intra/interfaith approaches in countering violent extremism on the continent.
Africa’s maritime strategies are blind to the potential benefit that its vast young population offers.
Leaving the post vacant for nearly a year casts doubt on the AU’s commitment to the majority of Africa’s people.
This policy brief analyses the role and impact of the Youth Network for the Lake Chad Region in peacebuilding efforts.
With anti-government activism on the rise, ZANU-PF sets its sights on winning the critical youth vote in 2023.
The African Union needs to better equip its own young leaders to champion change at the country level.
This policy brief highlights the need to harness the pre-existing expertise of youth groups to combat the Islamist insurgency.
In an important victory, youth issues will now be a regular item on the council’s agenda.
The African Union and post-conflict states must work together to establish peacebuilding policies that include young people.
The law is on Museveni’s side as youth voter suppression grips Uganda’s electoral system.
As the African Union’s Youth Month begins, the expectations of millions of young people remain largely unmet.
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