For decades South Sudan has experienced recurrent violence – this report explores conflict drivers and focuses on peace solutions.
The maritime sector in Africa remains male-dominated, and gender discrimination remains an acute challenge in the industry.
Unless results are shown back home, South Africa’s leadership on the Security Council could seem hollow.
What lessons are there from two decades of promoting the role of women in the peace and security sector?
Ensuring greater gender diversity will create a more dynamic maritime sector in South Africa and on the continent.
The African Union faces three major obstacles that hinder efforts to create gender equality on the continent.
To achieve peace, women must have access to justice, resources and meaningful representation in positions of power.
Having played a leading role in Bashir’s ousting, women can improve prospects for mediation and long-term peace.
For peace operations to be effective, more women need to be appointed as middle managers.
Despite global pacts, new laws and gender activism, women remain extremely vulnerable to violence.
From mediation to institution building, peace processes must reflect the needs of all sectors of society.
Through partnerships with countries in the global south, George Weah’s pro-poor agenda can yield results.
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